Shopgirl: by Steve Martin

This post is a part of blog series on my 2015 tech, anthro, and business reading list


“In spite of her depression, Mirabelle likes to think of herself as humorous. She can, when the occasion calls, become a wise cracker and buoyant party girl…The trust is that these episodes of gaiety merely raise her to normal, but for Mirabelle the feeling is so exceptional that she believes herself to be standing out..”

This novel is a quite one that tugs at your internal dialogue. Mirabelle, the shopgirl of the title is an artist, with an MFA that is working at the glove counter in Neimans…“selling things that nobody buys anymore”. Her life is safe and in many ways solitary. Even her trysts with Jeremy, an awkward and inappropriate lover in so many ways, barely blip on her radar.

Then she meets Ray.

He is older, he is wealthy, and infatuated with Mirabelle. But like many people, Ray is reserved and is unwilling to fully surrender to a relationship with Mirabelle. Although each person has their own flaws, somehow this relationship changes them both and elevates them to the next step in life.

I enjoyed reading this book because it reminded me of myself in some ways. I believe there are a lot of us with so much potential, that have allowed ourselves to be quiet when we should have been loud. This story is simple but beautiful. It serves as a reminder to remember who we are, and to believe that we have a place out there in the world. No matter what has come along to silence us.

Now I can’t wait to check out the film version!


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DevOps per wikipedia: a software development process that stresses communication, collaboration, integration, automation, and measurement of cooperation between software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals. I... Continue →