Ruby Blackjack (Part 3)

Although I had planned on writing a triumphant post to finalize my Ruby blackjack….its not quite like that.

I gave up on refactoring and making my code look better (it kept breaking something else)

I gave up on classes (I kept getting confused on what broke)

Instead…I just wrote it out. And it works….kinda

There are still some bugs to it.

But I got a user interface and it is working now. So I am hoping that a good night rest and some prayer will get her done!

I have been tinkering with it for hours and can’t quite seem to get it to act right. And so continues my Ruby saga…..


Now read this

Microsoft vs Open Source Software

Lately there has been some talk about .Net framework becoming open source. .Net is Microsoft’s server-side client that is used in building web applications, among other things. Apparently, Microsoft’s choice to open source some of its... Continue →