Why The Liberal Arts are Integral To Success


We are taught that competition brings out the best in us, and that only the strongest survive.

Fine. But not entirely true.

Competition tends to make us weed out people. So if you aren’t the winner, then you are the loser. There are always way more losers than winners. The problem with this is that it isn’t helpful to the goal of progression. To be progressive means that you need to move a group of people forward, not just one. In order to motivate a group of people, you need to learn something about working together, trusting each other, and communicating.

Yet, we live in a culture that bashes studying the liberal arts which teaches all of these things. Instead, we exhault anything that can be measured quantitatively since we believe that it will bring order the world around us. Instead of making a case against Liberal Arts, why not celebrate and exhault all that a liberal education teaches us.

Things like:

–learning how to think

–learning how to learn

–questioning the world around you

–learning how to teach

–learning how to see things as a whole

In the new world order that is developing around us, all of the above is needed in order to make sense of that quantitative data. Now that we are all competing on a global stage, it is more important than ever to understand what it is that truly makes us work together.

Below is a great explanation of why these skills are valued.


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