To Be Fat Like Me


I hate to admit this, but I watched a lifetime movie today.

To my credit, I watched it on youtube. Surprisingly, this movie really affected me. There is a part where the main character, Ally, talks about the prejudiced against fat people. She says,

“The reason why people are so bias is because you won’t wake up and suddenly be another gender, race or sexual orientation. But anyone can become fat. And that is what we are all afraid of”.

To make matters worse, I watched it after a horrendous bike ride. I thought that I could just have a nice bike ride through my neighborhood. I haven’t done that in forever. What ended up happening was me almost hyperventilating while I tried to make my way back home.

That was tragic, and eye opening.

Then I watch a movie about how hard it is to be fat. And now….I am on a mission. Its not just about not being fat, its more about not wanting to be food for the zombies if, and when, there is a zombie apocalypse. The way my bike riding was today…..I would definitely be the food. Which makes me feel weak. And I don’t do weak.

So now I have to do something, for real this time.

I have tried several activities but could never keep up with the same thing. I was doing yoga, and that was going well until it wasn’t. But I do like it. A few years ago I was running all the time. I liked that too.
Although, since becoming a developer, I spend more time on my computer than anywhere else. Plus, I am still learning, so its hours and hours on end. Then the mental overload makes me want to just sleep, and sleep is hard to get for real cause I have been staring at a computer for hours.


To find a remedy I am devising an experiment. This experiment will be to see if I can become a jock. I like to do something for a reason, not to just run around aimlessly. In high school I was too busy being a science nerd to be a real athlete, so this will be my chance. I will need to find out what it takes for me to live a life where I get to be happy, successful and healthy. I will start by just trying something everyday, to see what I end up liking. I know that once I find the right mix of things, I will be healthier and happier.

And I will no longer be afraid of being food for zombies. That is the ultimate goal.

“The world will tell you who you are until you tell the world” –Ally



Now read this

100 Days of Code and Design

Over the last few months I have learned a lot, grow a lot, then had my mac destroyed and rebuilt while losing my hard drive. Now that I am in the recovery phase of that chapter of my life, I am ready to start taking on new things. It... Continue →