Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by: T. Harv Eker

This post is a part of blog series on my 2015 tech, anthro, and business reading list

This is one of those books that I didn’t originally plan to read this year, but came to me at the right time.

Like some of the other books on the list, this is a book that I had purchased in the past, but had never gotten around to reading. Now that I am in the process of deciding if I want to continue making it on my own with freelancing, or if I want to get a job, or both, the seeds of doubt start to creep their way in.

This book is a great antidote for that. It is all about changing your thinking, and realizing that you are where you are because you thoughts around your current situation are what they are. And that means that you can change it if you want to.

Eker has lots of advice in this book. Thinks like “…nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it” is a good reminder for my analytical heart. If you are questioning yourself on if you are heading in the right direction, reading passages like that may get you through.

Even if you are not into self help books, this one is worth the read. Its relatively quick, but pack with a lot of sage advice. Much of this is not brand new, but having it thrown at you one, after another has an impact. Unless you have everything you ever wanted and are everywhere you want to be (hello Visa marketing!), then my question is…why not read this book?

I can say that I am grateful that in my moment of frustration with my husband for (yet again) putting random things inside the entertainment center, I stumbled upon this book. Now I am actively making life changes at a time when my doubt and fear threatened to overcome my hope and sucess. I am better for it. You will be too.

If interested, check this book out:


Now read this

Microsoft vs Open Source Software

Lately there has been some talk about .Net framework becoming open source. .Net is Microsoft’s server-side client that is used in building web applications, among other things. Apparently, Microsoft’s choice to open source some of its... Continue →