My Brain Broke Today


Today I felt what it is like to hit “the wall”. But for me it felt more like my brain just locking up and breaking.


Kind of like a car engine that never gets Chevron with Techron. My brain has been grinding and grinding, with the oil slowly seeping away until finally today….it ground down to a halt, and just broke. I’m not kidding, I was barely able to complete sentences today in class. It was that serious. Once we got to making an array of arrays…I was done.

And it didn’t stop there. When I went to yoga afterwards, for yoga teacher training (yes, I am currently also in yoga teacher training, but that is for another blog post), I could barely do anything there either. In the middle of class, I took child’s pose. for about 15 mins. And for the non-yogis out there, that means basically curling up like a ball on your mat, face down.

Actually that describes it better than a brain break. I am mentally, and physically broken down to a child. I have even been wearing my hair in braided ponytails, al la me circa eight years old.

Its not like I haven’t been repeatedly told that this day was coming, and that it was the first of many. But its one thing too know that intellectually, and then to feel the break happen. I felt so overdone, that i had to put all my energy into just breathing during yoga.

But, this is just today. Tomorrow I plan to breathe, reboot, look at my pre-work again, meditate, and start again. But for now, I am still feeling the brain break. Maybe I will watch The Mindy Project on Hulu tonight. It will be the first night all week that I have chilled out watching tv. It will be basically the first night all week that I have watched tv…period.


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Using MongoDB with Rails

NoSQL databases have gone from being a curiosity to being the backend of enterprise web apps. Likewise, Rails has also matured enough to be adopted by large organizations while still being a startup favorite. Rails grew up with SQL so... Continue →