Its Getting Hard….


Today is a day where I feel like I worked hard spinning my wheels and not moving forward.

This is getting hard.

I know that I am a smart person. At least, that is what I have been told since I can remember. But for some reason, the code isn’t sinking in like I want it too. And I am so frustrated. Not about it being hard, more so about not seeing the progress. In my head, I can see that it shouldn’t be that hard, but yet and still…

It is getting hard.


So what to do? I really, don’t know the answer. I just keep trying to learn new ways to learn. I start my scripts over and over again. I know that I am almost there but something isn’t quite right, and I can’t wrap my head around why not. I am hoping that I will see the other side of this soon. Cause I definitely want to get there.

I keep thinking about why I am here. How much I have wanted to be here. I know that these moments will pass, but I just want to feel like I am moving forward. I keep trying again, because I have to believe that this frustration is only temporary…at least until the next challenge that comes along.

This week has been a hard one for me. I keep feeling like I am a car, all dressed up, with wheels spinning in the mud, and no where to go.

This is getting hard.

Where are all the people who went through this? Why aren’t they speaking up so that I can hear? I know that if I keep trying I will make it, but right now, for me…

This is getting hard


Now read this

Rails Girls Workshop Houston

Today I coached at the Rails Girls Workshop in Houston. It was a fantabulous experience. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to coach the girls that much. I was worried that I didn’t know enough. I was worried that I wouldn’t be much... Continue →