Hughes, History and Superbowl Sunday

Today is February 1st, which is important for many reasons.

Today is Superbowl Sunday (go SeaHawks!).

Today is the first day of Black History Month.

Today is famed writer and poet, Langston Hughes’ birthday.

Due to the first reason, (Super Bowl) I will keep this post short. I got chips and hotdogs to eat. But in honor of the 2nd reason, I decided to start a blog series about black tech and media entrepreneurs. There are some out there doing great things in technology and media. This is dispite the statistics that show underrepresentation by minorities in these spaces. Since I believe that Black History is really American History, I will use this month as inspiration to start a series to highlight some of these entrepreneurs.

In honor of Langston Hughes birthday, I will not let my dreams be deferred. Instead, I will celebrate those out there making a difference and blazing a path. With hopes that one day I can do the same for others.

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