Don’t See The Tasks, See The Opportunity


As a person who has made failing an everyday occurrence, I have had to do some adjusting. Mostly, what I have had to learn to adjust is my mind. I have always felt that I was a pretty enlightened person, but the truth is that when failure kept (and keeps on) slapping me in the face again and again, I really didn’t like it. Like most people, I rejected it…until I saw the real problem.

I didn’t recognize it as my opportunity to grow.

This is important, but failing is an opportunity to learn, get up, and try again. My anguish from feeling like a loser was getting in the way of that. So if you ever find yourself in a this place, here are some of the things that I have done to help myself out.

Get Off Your Job


Having a list of things to do is work, its a job. It is not passion. And yes some things require a little bit of work, but without passion you won’t reach success. I had to learn to stop listing out my tasks of failures to overcome, and tap into why I am passionate about what I am doing in the first place. When you are pushing yourself and making changes, failure is inevitable. Don’t be afraid to fall, especially in the beginning when you are already close to the ground. So have more fun with it, and remember that you can always find what you need if you are looking for it.

Garbage In, Garbage Out


Not only a catch phrase for data junkies like myself! When you are faced with challenges, you need to watch your intake. This goes for food, attitudes, negative thinking and negative people. You change your habits, you change your thinking, you change your life.

Back at One

eat, sleep, study, repeat.jpg

Today may suck, and tomorrow may be worse, but don’t worry about that now. When you wake up in the morning, you start again. Don’t count the steps that you take, just make a promise to yourself that you will get there. So every morning when you wake up, start from where you are, and make sure that you do at least one thing to push yourself further down the road to where you want to be.

Shift Happens


I am stealing this one from my yoga teacher (shout out to Mitzi! ), because it is so true. Life can throw you up one minute, and down the next. But in the midst of your battles and triumphs, shift happens. When you get to the point where you KNOW that you are a different person, that is when the real growing starts.

There is opportunity everywhere if you have eyes to see it. Don’t blind yourself with self doubt and self hate. This world needs some awesome people doing awesome things. So get over yourself, dust off your shoulder, and make things happe


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