A Rush of Blood To The Head


This is how my thoughts flow. Almost like an attack, but more like a waterfall…a sudden rush. I like to think that I started writing a blog because I felt that I had something important to say. Or even, that I had an important journey to chronicle. Those things may be true, some of the time, but this rush…that is the real reason.

I needed a means of getting some of this out of my head. It can be a lot, dealing with his rush. Especially if I don’t have a constructive way of understanding it. That is where the blogging comes in. Like my friend, my confidant, my journalism, my war correspondent, myself.

I like to think that in the end….. I am really a storyteller. That everything that I do is really about just creating and telling a story. I mean, who doesn’t like a great story? Its the reason why I watch movies, its the reason why I root for the underdog. I love science, math, poetry, film and people. Its why I wanted to learn to code. To build my own solutions, create my own stories with happy endings. All of these things have in common are stories. In my world, in my head….they all flow together. A Rush. A rush of blood to the head.


I have been thinking about what I would tell someone if they asked me, “Why do you have this blog”? My internal answers have been things like, “cause I think that science is beautiful, and the writing on it is mostly dry and unfamiliar, and I want to change that”. Or things like “cause I want others to know that they are not alone in their journey, and that coding is not something that you have to be plucked from the heavens to do”. But mostly, I am realizing it is cause of this rush. Its cause, I have these thoughts that I believe belong to more than just me. I have usually kept them all to myself. But in the spirit of change, and in the effort of growth I want to put them out, set them down, and write them here.

I want others to know that their stories are stories that deserve telling. Even (and especially) if they don’t know who to tell it. I don’t know what I am doing most of the time, but I find that when I look back I have been moving in a direction. I just couldn’t make out the way through that rush, that rush that fills up my head. I’m sure that you have all been there.

Maybe you are still there….like me. Here’s to a rush, and all the great things that go with it.


Now read this

Leap Day

picture from blog.spiritualify.com It’s appropriate that on this Leap day, I acknowledge that I am starting a new journey. One that has taken me time, but also one that will bend and warp time in its own way. Time is a tricky thing. It... Continue →